Monday, January 22, 2018

Keys That Open Locked Doors

Keys That Open Locked Doors

Life is a lot like a room or hallway full of doors.  As you learn skills, earn certificates, reach milestones, etc. you receive keys to different doors.  For example, turning 18 gives you the ability to vote or see Rated R movies.

Occasionally something happens [or you do something] that locks a door.  For example, you are in a major car accident or get caught committing a felony which limits the jobs you can get in the future -- forever.

Today we are going to discuss some of the things that we can do to open doors, including:
  • Graduating from high school
  • Getting your GED
  • Speaking a language other than English
  • Being 18 years old (or older)
  • Having a Drivers License
  • Being able to type (at a decent speed)
  • Knowing software (i.e. Microsoft Office)
  • College Degree
  • Ability to search for valid, accurate information on the Internet
  • Ability to speak in public
  • Ability to write well
  • Artistic ability
  • Ability to lift heavy objects
  • Wealth
  • Basic Financial Knowledge

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