Monday, October 30, 2017

Candynomics: The Economics of Halloween

If you‘re like most Americans, you snatch up those giant bags of candy the week before Halloween to appease trick or treaters.

So many people do this that the few days before Halloween account for $2 billion in candy sales.  What else are we spending our billions on during Halloween?


  1. List annual Halloween sales in order (largest to smallest) based on the pie chart.
  2. How much does the average U.S. household spend on candy per year?
  3. The average American consumes how much candy per year?
  4. In your opinion, at what age is a person too old to Trick or Treat?
  5. Why do you think Halloween is so popular in the U.S.?
  6. What is your favorite Halloween candy?
  7. What does your family (or you) do for Halloween?

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