It's Everybody's Business (1954)
- Benefits of Free Enterprise (p.49): Chart
- What is Free Enterprise (p.50): Choose two of the characteristics and explain how they protect your freedom of choice.
- Checkpoint (p.51): What are three key economic rights that American's enjoy?
- Checkpoint (p.52): What role do consumers play in the free enterprise system?
- Free Enterprise in the World (p.52): What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing business to operate with few government limits?
- Critical Thinking (p.53): How did the American economy provide an environment for Oscar de la Renta's success?
- Checkpoint (p.53): What Constitutional protections make it possible for American's to conduct business?
- Chart Skills (p.54): #1 & 2
- Checkpoint (p.55): Why does government place some limits on the freedom of businesses?
- Cartoon (p.55): What is this cartoonist's view of federal regulation?
- Section 1 Assessment (p.55): #1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11

This video is a clip from a company called "AMWAY" -- a MLM (Multi Level Marketing) company. It's used to showcase their company, but you can see how they use "Free Enterprise" to boast patriotism.
Free Enterprise: The American Dream
Free Enterprise: The American Dream
One term that this section (Chapter 3.2) discusses is Eminent Domain.